Office: 514-595-2050

Office Hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Wusua Mitchell
Sec. V, Phoenix

Sarah Newton
Vice Principal
Sec. I & II

Tania D’Alessandro
Vice Principal
Secondary III & IV, Semi-skilled, CFER



LaSalle Community Comprehensive High School




Governing Board

Meetings 2024-2025

September 24  


Meetings are open to the Public.
Please email: for more information on how you can attend as a guest.

The governing board is composed of an equal number of staff and parent representatives. In high schools, two student representatives are included in its composition; all are voting members. Two non-voting community representatives are appointed by the voting members. The principal takes part in the meetings but is not entitled to vote.


Governing Board Members 2024-2025

Parent Representatives

Staff Representatives

Valerie Beaudet Susan Kristina Cleveland
Laura Ciccone Meghan Hughes
Ermenia Di Pietro Adam Mackenzie
Sophie Fernandes Cynthia McCulloch
Amrit Grewal
Parents' Committee Rep
Marie-Pier Michaud
Franca Henry Sabrina Moretto
Diana Keener
Cynthia Shyngera
John Ranger
Alternate Parents' Committee Rep
Marcello Sicoli

Student Representatives

Community Representatives


Wusua Mitchell

Parent Alternates

Staff Alternates

Deidre Beroog
Natalie Cousins
Jonathan Declet
Derek Maisonville


Sarah E. Newton
Vice Principal

Tania D’Alessandro
Vice Principal






  Agenda Minutes  

September 24, 2024



Governing Board Functions and Responsibilities

The Governing Board is an important way to participate in the decision-making consultative process for the school and the students.

  • The Governing Board in collaboration with all parties concerned, adopts, implements and evaluates the school's Educational Project. The Educational Project must comply with the province-wide framework defined by the Education Act, the basic school regulations and Quebec Education Program of Studies.

  • The Governing Board approves the proposals of the principal for the implementation of the basic school regulations, program of studies, student services and student supervision policy.

  • The Governing Board advises the school board on matters that are likely to facilitate the operation of the school and improve the organization of service provided by the Governing Board.

  • The Governing Board shall seek the collaboration of persons having an interest in the school.

  • The Governing Board shall encourage the communication of information dialogue and concerted action among students, parents, the principal, teachers and other staff members and community representatives.

  • Any decision by the governing board is made in the best interests of the students. 


For more information on governing boards: